Where will the hackathon be held?
The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology will host the event and provide accommodation for all participants (BioPharmCluster).

Address: 9 Institutskiy per., Dolgoprudny, Moscow Region.

How to get to MIPT:

  • (recommended) From either "Savyolovsky" Train Station or Platform "Timiryazevskaya" take a train to "Novodachnaya" or "Dolgoprudnaya" platform (~20 minutes);
  • From Metro Station "Rechnoi Vokzal", take bus or minibus №368 to the last stop (~40 minutes);
  • From Metro Station "Planernaya" take bus №472 to "Dolgoprudnaya" platform, next go along the Pervomayskaya street with south direction to campus (10–12 minutes);
  • From Metro Station "Altufevo", take minibus №545 (456 C) to "MIPT" stop (~15 minutes).
May I attend just lectures?
Yes. If you want to be the free listener, please register here.
What is the maximum number of people in a team?
We allow teams of up to 5 people.
What is the task of the main hackathon?
The main hackathon's task will be semi-supervised MT. We will provide a very small parallel corpus and relatively large monolingual corpora for both source and target languages. Participants will need to train an MT model using this data
Will travel, accommodation and food expenses be covered?
We will take care of the accommodation expenses of participants. Coffee-breaks, pizza and other "traditional hackers" food will be provided.
Can we change team composition during the hackathon?
Yes, you may build a new team on Monday 29th. We expect that each team will consists of 5 members.
Will computational resources be provided?
We plan to give our participants a 24/7 access to 10 remote instances (2 vCPU, 16 Gb RAM, GTX 1080).
How will you define the winners of Qualification Round?
We will invited top-50 participants from the Leaderboard. As the deadline was extended at the last moment, we will invited also that participants who entered top-50 before the extention.
Where can I watch the broadcast?
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